I have mentioned before how I am in love with coupons? I never understood how much they could save you until I really got into it and started using them. Now, it bothers me to no end when I have to get something without having a coupon for it or I need it and its not on sale (IE the hubs razors or diapers) To avoid this, I stockpile. One of these days I will clear out the bottom of my pantry and then take a picture of my OCD-LIKE organization process. Its sad but I can find anything I need and tell the hubs exactly where to look when he needs something. I digress.
So I stockpile. Yes I am that crazy person that buys 25 tubes of toothpaste and 10 bottles of hand soap but I do so because buying ALL of that, I will spend about $2. True story.
Saying all of this, what could be better than spending $13 at Target while buying 4 pizzas, 6 boxes of steam fresh veggies, Aquafresh toothpaste (I cant resits when its free), 3 boxes of Boca burgers, and 1 bag of Boca ground 'meat'? (Another True Story that happened last Friday)
A grocery store going out of business. Seriously. Albertsons has been closing down stores randomly the past few years. This weekend the two closest to me were having their final days. Now normally I dont shop here because, lets face it, I can get it cheaper elsewhere, with the exception of their breakfast sale they do every 6 months or so. For Saturday, and Sunday if it made it, EVERYTHING was set at 95% off. I repeat EVERYTHING.
I brought the hubs with me, which I NEVER do because he grabs random stuff and our bill doubles. At 95% off, what damage could he do? Its a good thing I bought him. He kept finding stuff 'hidden' on top shelves where I couldnt see and it was the good stuff too.I know your thinking now what could she have possibly bought if the store was 95% empty? At 95% off, let me tell you.
1 Daddy Hinkles BBQ Marinade
2 Vacation in a Bottle (Its like anti-energy drink, puts you right to sleep)
15 pkgs Brown Gravy
9 pkgs Meatball spice mix
8 pkgs Italian Spaghetti spice mix
2 pkgs Mushroom Gravy
2 pkgs Onion Gravy
1 pkg of Aus Gus
1 pkg Cracked Pepper Marinade Mix
1 pkg Enchilada Mix
1 pkg Beef and Broccoli Mix
1 pkg Alfredo sauce
2 pkgs Montreal Seasonings
2 pkgs Creole Red Gravy Mix
4 pkgs Chimichurri Burrito Mix
1 pkg Meatloaf seasoning
2 pkgs Chicken Marsala Seasoning Mix
4 pkgs Herbed Gravy for Beef seasoning mix
2 pkgs Burger seasoning mix
2 pkgs Kikkoman Marinade
4 pkgs Slow Cooker Chicken Noodle soup
2 pkgs pork roast gravy
9 pkgs sun dried tomato and garlic chicken seasoning mix
1 pkg Old Bay Seafood Steamer seasoning mix
1 pkg Beef Stroganoff seasoning mix
2 pkgs Chex mix seasoning pack
3 ready made pie crusts (1 graham cracker, 1 Oreo, 1 chocolate)
3 bags of stuffing mix
28 pkgs chili seasoning mix (Yes I said 28)
3 pkgs taco seasoning mix
1 Old Paso Side of Black Beans
3 tins of Margarita salt
1 box of Honey Graham Cracker crumbs
2 bottles of wine
32 Cold Blasen Venom Bit Energy Shots
4 pkgs Kool-aide
2 Full Throtle Quick Shots
8 Huracan Energy Shots
10 cans of Libby’s Pure Pumpkin
4 cans of sweet peas
1 Can of chicken consommé
1 can of Rutabaga
1 Jar of Cocktail Sauce
3 jars of Good Housekeeping Mexican Red Sauce
16 bottles of Kraft BBQ
1 jar of sliced apples
1 can of pumpkin pie filling
12 pkgs cream cheese
1 pkg Gorgonzola
4 loaves of Bread
2 pkgs frozen sugar cookies
Peek-N-Play cat toy
5 misc cat toys
The counts on seasoning packages are correct, unless I missed one or two. We buy this stuff all the time and at literally .04 a piece, why not stock up. Also, we have friends that we gave/are giving some stuff too. We eat BBQ but 16 bottles, we can share (and why not at .06 a bottle) Proof is in the pictures.
(I had to stand on the counter to get it one shot)
I drank the VIB already, at $3 a piece, I never get them
Also the other half of the Venom Energy drinks were in the fridge, he couldnt wait.
How much did we spend?
Before the 95% off discount, our total was
407.67 No Im not exaggerating, I did the math.
Did we spend that?
Our total out of pocket was...
Wait for it...
Wait for it...
So little for so much stuff, that at some point, we would be buying in the furture.
Anyone want some chili?