Friday, December 30

Bribing Santa

Have you ever seen those houses at Christmas time that go all out?  I mean all out.  We have all seen them but have you ever seen one with a train in the front yard and they let people ride it IN THEIR FRONT YARD? Neither have I.  That is until this year.

My mom heard from a friend about this house.  Isnt that how we all get our information, from a friend of a friend who heard from their brothers cousin, or something like that?  Anyway, we found it and sure enough, we rode a train in this person's front yard.

The kids didnt know exactly what was going but they went with it.

Arms up!! 

 Ok mom Im done, arms down.


She wouldnt hold on, so Cari held onto her

She held her arms up until we can to a stop 

She had her arms up the whole time and he yelled whooooooooa-weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee until we stopped.  I hope they do this on roller coasters one day.

After the ride, we took a ride to see Santa.

She knows the truth, so she tried to bribe Santa,

And he accepted. 

 Cole would not get close to him,

And this is as close as she would get.

They did tell him what they wanted, a baby and a car.
He listened.
Not that it matters, he was paid off.

Thursday, December 29

Christmas Lights

While we were at the Christmas Village, the lines were super long.  There was no way we were going to wait in line for an hour to walk through a 8X8 house with 3 2 year olds.  Not happening.  Luckily, there was a band playing and they had lights set up.  The kids went crazy.

After this first picture, I figured out that if I turn off the flash, the picture is much better.

She wanted to ride the deer but decided to crawl under him instead 

She heard the music and started to spin 

 And spin

Mom, is this hot? 

I love that they love the little things.  Christmas lights have always made me smile and Im so glad they do the same for them.

Tuesday, December 27

Christmas Village

 And so it begins.  The endless, overloaded posts of Christmas time.  Ill try not to do all Christmas for the next two weeks but I cant make any promises.

The kids are of the age that they are starting to get it.  There is a Christmas village that I wanted to take them to last year, but they were 1.5 and had no clue.  Now the fun begins.   They had so much fun looking at the lights,  its just too bad it was SOOO busy we get to into any of the houses.

We did find the ginger bread men.

And attempted to get a picture of all of us,

It didnt work out so I tried to get just the two of them.

But they refused to look at me.

They found the presents,

And thats the best I could get.

To be continued....

Tuesday, December 20

Santa is Scary

Is everyone as busy as I am?  I just realized I havent posted in almost a week.  :(  Ive got to get through the next 2 weeks and then Ill be back to my daily posts. 

Every year I take the kids to see Santa.  For some reason it seems to be torture for them.  Case in point, please revisit last years attempt.

You back?
Apparently this is typical and I find it hilarious.
Dont Judge, Im sure you laughed.

So this year, them being a year older, I thought maybe just MAYBE we could get a picture with no tears.  I was half right.

Yes there are no tears but the two of them look terrified.

And yes I laughed.

Im still laughing.

Dont judge.

Maybe next year we can get one with a grin.

Thursday, December 15

Christmas Lists

Ive been looking forward to the day when the kids can make Christmas lists.  I dont know why, maybe because its what you do this time of year and I love all things Christmas, Ive just really been looking forward for them to do this.  The day has come.  At 2.5 years old, they have made their first Christmas wish lists.

Lets take a look to see the difference between boys and girls shall we.

First up, Elyse.
She requests the following:
Baby Dolls
Paw Paw AND

(I think thats her drawing a person in the corner but Im not sure, LO)  LShe wants the people in her life and dolls.  Shes such a girl.

Up next, Cole.
Very simple and to the point.
He requests blue toys and cars.

I think Santa and accommodate this.

Friday, December 9

What did she/he say?

Here we go again.  These two crack me up.

Elyse: I love my Hethur
Cole: Thats not Hethur, thats mommy

Cole: Oh Shit
Elyse: Mom Cole said oh Shit

Cole: Elyse Crazy
Elyse: Im not crazy, Im gorgeous

Elyse: I like my boogers
Elyse: Not gross, they're delicious mmm mmmm mmmm

While I put on their monkey hats-
Elyse: Cole your a monkey
Cole: Yea
Elyse: You go oh eh aha hah ah
Cole: Yea
Elyse: Cole you are a monkey and you are sooooooooooo cute

Elyse: Wheres my tutu?
Cole: Ill get it (he jumps up and runs to the other room)
After he comes back with tutu in hand, Here you go Elyse
Elyse: Thank you
Cole: Your welcome (then he turns to me) Wheres my blue tutu?

Cole: I poop
Me: Did you poop or do you need to poop
Cole: (He giggles) No I not poop, I just fart

Thursday, December 8

Puzzles, Freinds and Animals

I have mentioned before that the kids really like puzzles.  Next to coloring or running around like mini-crazy people, puzzles are what keeps them occupied.

First she gathered the friends,

Then she put together the animals,

She added the whole world, 

And gave herself a big cheer.

Tuesday, December 6

We are going to play a game

Today we are going to play a game.  This game is called Look Closely.

Round 1
Elyse plays with My Little Ponies.  She even makes them go potty.

Cute right? Now lets look closely?

They are umm...ummm.....sleeping.

Round 2
While we were at the zoo, the kids were super excited about the elephants, see for yourself.
Look Closely
Thats right, photo opp with a baby elephant dropping an ocean load of pee in the background.

I hope you have enjoyed the game today, come back soon.