Tuesday, January 18

Miss Dangerous

Why is it that the girl is the dangerous one?  She has more marks on her legs and arms that Id like to admit.  She climbs, falls, laughs, and starts all over.  He is more hesitant.  He is cautious until he figures it out and then you cant stop him.

Fast food places with play areas worry me.  I feel like I have to climb up there with them to make sure they dont split their heads open (especially when bigger kids are around)  So last week, we made a play date.  We went to Chick-Fil-A because their play area is geared to the smaller kids.

As I figured, they would not leave my side.  So up the slide I went.  I showed them that it was ok and not to be scared.  After we went down the slide the first time, they, err she, no longer had fear.

She yelled AGAIN and took off.  Up and down, up and down, in this tunnel in that one, down the slide, climb back up.  She was happy.

He on the other hand was fine as long as I was with him.  For the most part he stayed on the ground.  He would occasionally climb up the first step and then immediately climb back down and play with the things on floor level.

Somehow I think shell be the first one to think she can fly.


  1. Your kiddos are so cute !!
    love your blog !
    Come follow me back and visit me !


  2. I have a little monkey too and she scares me so much sometimes!

    New Tuesday follower! I hope you'll follow me back!
